I live in a drafty old historical house in an old neighborhood in Eugene, OR and every winter we let the curtains down to keep the heat in and even put up some extra ones in open doorways to keep heat wrangled into our living areas. You can imagine it gets kind of dark and cozy in there and when spring comes around we are more than ready to open everything up and let the sun shine in and when we do the light shows us just how much dust we've been collecting. Yikes!
The nice thing about my place is that I have nice wood floors throughout the entire house which makes it easy to clean and, being a broom maker, I have all the right brooms to do the job!
Below is a list of our brooms and their functions:
THE KITCHEN BROOM - This broom great for all hard floors and for sweeping the porch and the sidwalk.
THE BESOM - Used for sweeping corners and getting cobwebs off the ceiling.
THE HEARTH BROOM - For cleaning the fireplace.
THE KID BROOM - Put the kids to work! This broom is fun for the kid's but it's also useful for small spaces like the bathroom or the pantry.
THE TURKEY WING BROOM - This hand broom is perfect for getting into corners and sweeping under counters. It also looks very lovely hanging on the wall.
THE WHISK BROOM - This hand broom is great for sweeping up small messes and fits perfectly into any dust pan for sweeping up dirt piles.
THE COBWEB BROOM - A broom for the cobwebs! This lightweight broom on long stick is perfect for grabbing cobwebs from the ceiling.
Each of these brooms is available on my ETSY site: www.broomchick.etsy.com
You can also find them on EBAY: http://myworld.ebay.com/broomchick/?_trksid=p4340.l2559
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/BROOMCHICK/123580760996450
Twitter: Broomchick: https://twitter.com/#!/Broomchick